Thursday, October 25, 2012

AR has a great function for parents. This program is called Home Connect, and it works directly with the students AR account. The following are the only things that parents can do through the program;
  • Check on the student progress
  • View the log of test taken
  • Setup email alerts (score reports after test is taken)
  • Look up books that are in the AR Library
You can view Renaissance Home Connect from any computer with an Internet connection using
these browsers:
• Internet Explorer® 7.x-9.x
• Firefox® 4.x or later
• Safari™ 3.x-5.1
User Name: ######
Password: LASTNAME
To log in to Renaissance Home Connect
If you'd like to receive emails showing your student's quiz or test results, click the Email Setup link
in Renaissance Home Connect and follow the directions. To be sure these emails reach your inbox,
add to your address book.
If you have questions about Renaissance Home Connect, please contact me!

Time Stamp Issues

I am posting this to see if the Time Stamp issues have been resolved.  I am sorry if you have signed up by email and are getting a huge lag in the time between the post and actually getting the email.  Hopefully it has been resolved.

Monday, October 22, 2012



Spelling:  Copy words into agenda.  3 assignments due THURSDAY.
Reading:  Define vocabulary for Scene Two.
English:  WB pgs. 131, 132
Math:  Multiplication WS

There is NO SCHOOL on Friday.  Please make plans to attend Fun Fair on Thursday (5-7).  Don't forget that the students have a Social Studies project due on Tuesday October 30.

Please turn in Field Trip permission slips and $12.

Friday, October 19, 2012



Social Studies:  Blue Ridge, Valley & Ridge, and Appalachian Plateau test Monday.  Virginia Regions Travel Brochure Due: Nov. 30th

Thursday, October 18, 2012


Y-Tie When You Don't Have To?
...This is a reminder that tomorrow, Friday, October 19th, will be the last day Y-tie shoelaces will be on sale.  We do have plenty of colors left, so buy your Y-tie shoelaces tomorrow!


Spelling:  3 assignments due tomorrow.  Test tomorrow.
Reading:  Vocab. and story test tomorrow.
Social Studies:  Study Blue Ridge, Appalachian Plateau, and Valley and Ridge regions for test Monday.
Science:  Mineral test tomorrow.

Don't forget to turn in permission slips for our upcoming field trip.  The cost is $12.00!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


I didn't get very many field trip permission slips back today.  Please check in your child's Tuesday Folder for important papers that need to be signed and returned.  Our field trip is to Luray Caverns on Nov. 8th.  I would hate for your student to miss out!


Spelling:  3 Tic Tac Toe assignments are due on Friday.
Math:  Decimal WS
Science:  VA Mineral test on Friday.
Social Studies:  Complete study guide for Blue Ridge, Valley and Ridge, and Appalachian Plateau Regions

Tuesday, October 16, 2012



Science:  Complete Study Guide.  Study for Mineral Test.

Please sign and return Tuesday Folder.

Monday, October 15, 2012



Spelling:  Copy words from notebooks into agendas.
Reading:  define vocabulary for Coyote School News, WB pg, 120
Math:  WS pg. 61
Science:  Mineral Test Friday

Friday, October 12, 2012


Students have no homework today unless they were given a Math paper to correct and return on Monday.

Enjoy the weekend!  There are many things to do this weekend in our area.  Check the local paper for a list of events/happenings.

Thursday, October 11, 2012


Tomorrow is "GO PINK" day.  Farmington is trying to have a "pink-out".  Please encourage your child to wear something pink to school.


Spelling:  Study words, quiz tomorrow.  3 assignments due.
Reading:  Study vocab.  Story and vocab. quizzes tomorrow.
Social Studies:   Piedmont test tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Tomorrow is picture day.  Please wear your favorite (colorful) outfit and fix your hair :)


Spelling:  Copy words into agenda
Math:  WS pg. 56
Science:  Study Review #4.  Quiz tomorrow.
Social Studies:  Complete Piedmont Study Guide

Thursday, October 4, 2012


It sounded like another night of successful Math gaming!  


Math:  pg. 32 (9-16)  solve two ways (one of which needs to be on a number line)

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


It sounds like the students had a lot of fun playing Close to 1,000 with you last night.  I hope you enjoy tonight's Math game!
Math:  Play Surrounding Digits with someone at home.  Use dice, a deck or cards, or make your own numeral cards with index cards to play.  Please return your game board tomorrow.
Social Studies:  Study Tidewater Study Guide.  Quiz tomorrow.

Please sign and return Tuesday Folders.  Also, check and sign student agendas.
Thank you!!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Math:  Play a game of close to 1,000 with someone older than you at your home.  Use dice, playing cards, index cards (numbered 0-9), or make up numbers to create your 2 3-digit numbers.  Have fun!
Social Studies:  Study Tidewater notes.  Quiz Thursday.  Finish study guide.  Due tomorrow for a grade.

Tuesday Folders:  Parents, don't forget to sign and return the green Tuesday folders tomorrow morning.
Agendas:  Second reminder that parents are now REQUIRED to sign agendas to make sure that all work is complete every night.  Students know that it is their responsibility to hand the agenda and a pen to an adult in the home and stand by until it is signed.  The agenda and all finished work should then go directly into a backpack to return to school the next day.

Monday, October 1, 2012


It's October!  I can hardly believe it!  This week is a review week for Reading which means we do not have a Spelling list or Reading vocabulary to study.  The students will be tested on Unit 1 material at the end of the week.
Science - study watershed notes, quiz Tues.
SS - study Tidewater notes, quiz Thurs.