Monday, December 10, 2012



Spelling:  copy words into agenda, 3 assignments due Friday
Reading:  define vocabulary
Math:  finish division WS

Tomorrow is Crazy Hair/Crazy Hat day!  If you would like to participate, please donate a canned good item to our food closet.  Thanks!

Thursday, December 6, 2012



Spelling:  3 assignments due, test tomorrow
Reading:  test tomorrow
Math:  division WS
Social Studies:  Jamestown test tomorrow
Science:  review #9 test tomorrow

Wednesday, December 5, 2012



Spelling:  3 assignments due Friday, test Friday
Reading:  Read Adelina's Whales pgs. 350-362
Math:  pg. 80-81 (9-29)
Social Studies:  Complete Jamestown study guide to be turned in tomorrow for a grade.  Test Friday.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Please join us for Farmington Family Game Night!
Grades K-5
December 13, 2012

Questions:  call Cathy Stephenson @ 825-0713 ext. 3059



Spelling:  3 assignments due Friday, study
Reading:  WB pgs. 191, 192,  study vocab.  test Friday
Math:  study multiplication facts
Social Studies:  study Jamestown notes, test Friday.  Bring in an item to barter tomorrow.

Please sign and return interim.
Please sign and return Tuesday Folder.

Relay Reindeer

There are some reindeer who pull Santa's sleigh 
But these little guys help in another way,
When you buy one of them, you can be sure
You have helped in the cause for a cure!

Farmington's Relay for Life team is selling Relay Reindeer to raise money for the American Cancer Society.  You can support the cause by buying reindeer to surprise your friends or teachers.  These reindeer will be delivered for you during the week of December 10th-14th.  you can also buy reindeer in memory of or to honor a loved one who has been affected by cancer.  These reindeer will be placed on the tree in the office.  Then they will be sent home with you before the winter break.  We will be selling reindeer in the front hall before school on December 4th-10th.  All reindeer cost $1.00.  Please fill out the form on the back to give us all the information that we need to deliver your reindeer.  Thank you for supporting a great cause!

Bartering Activity

Dear Parents,
            On Wednesday, your student will participate in a bartering activity.  In Colonial times, the settlers did not use money to pay for things.  They bartered using common household items, services, and crops.  In order for students to better understand bartering, we thought it would be fun for them to try it. 
            Each student needs to bring in a small item from home to barter.  The item needs to be at school on Wednesday, December 5th in order to participate in the activity.  This should be something that the student ALREADY HAS.  Please do not purchase anything for this activity.  The items WILL NOT be returned to the original owners.  The students need to bring something they are willing to give away.  Some examples of items could be:
            small old toy              erasers          button            book                bar of soap
            pencils                                    snack              a game you no longer play    
                                                            Thank you for your help with this activity!
                                                The Fourth Grade Team

Friday, November 30, 2012



Math:  pg. 77-78 (5-18)

5:30  Movie Night Tonight!!

Thursday, November 29, 2012



Spelling:  3 assignments due tomorrow, test tomorrow
Reading:  vocab. & story tests tomorrow
English:  WB pgs. 180,181,187 * only have to do if not completed as seat work,  WB pg. 184
Math:  pg. 75 (1-21)
Science:  study review #8, test tomorrow

Family Movie Night

Friday November 30th from 5:30 to 7:00 pm
Doors open at 5:15 pm Farmington Gym
Children MUST be accompanied by an adult!
Bring a blanket, PJ's and a pillow.
FREE popcorn and water (while supplies last).
Please donate any canned vegetable to the SCA for their Culpeper Community Holiday Basket service project.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012



Spelling:  3 assignments due Friday


For:  Families Who HAVE RSVPed

This is a reminder:  Farmington Spirit Day, at the Culpeper County Library!!
When:  Saturday, December 1  10:30am - 11:30am
What:  Join us for a morning of fun activities including:  Read to the dogs!  Enjoy a story with Ms. Brewer and an ALLIGATOR!
Free Books!     Delicious Refreshments!

MOVIE NIGHT Reminder!!

Friday 11/30 
Bring the family to MOVIE NIGHT!
Come enjoy a snack while you watch Madagascar 3!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Win One of Two BIKES!

Each dollar you bring into school Friday 11-30-12 buys you a chance to win one of two bicycles.  All money will be donated to a Farmington student in need.



Spelling:  3 assignments due Friday
Math:  pg. 111 (12-19), multiplication quiz tomorrow

Sign and return Tuesday folder.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Farmington Family Book Fair Event

Come to Our Book Fair

You're invited!
OPEN November 30th until 5:30 pm!
Come to the Book Fair before the movie!

Open December 4th until 6:00 pm!

Monday, November 19, 2012



Math:  pg. 100 (15-24) solve using the box method

Friday, November 16, 2012

Farmington Spirit Day at the Culpeper County Library!

Farmington Spirit Day at the Culpeper County Library!!

Saturday December 1, 2012
10:30-11:30 am

Join us for a morning of fun activities including...




*Please send in your response by Tuesday November 20th.

*A paper came home today with the information and RSVP slip attached.

Thursday, November 15, 2012


Tomorrow is Crazy Hat Day!  Bring in one canned food item for the Culpeper Food Closet and you get to wear a crazy hat all day.


Spelling:  3 assignments and test tomorrow
Reading:  story and vocab. test tomorrow
Math:  WS (9-20)
Science:  review #7 quiz

Wednesday, November 14, 2012



Spelling:  3 Assignments due Friday
Reading:  WB pgs. 155, 157, 162
Math:  WS
Science:  Force Quiz tomorrow

Crazy Hat Day!

Friday November 16th is Crazy Hat Day at Farmington.  Please bring one canned food item for the Culpeper Food Closet and wear a crazy hat all day at school!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012



Spelling-  3 assignments due Friday.
Math- WS (Multi-Digit Multiplication) 1-8 ONLY
Science- Complete study guide - will be graded tomorrow.  Test Thursday.

Please sign and return Tuesday Folders!

Luray Caverns Field Trip

Monday, November 12, 2012



Spelling:  Copy new words into agenda.  Begin working on the three assignments that are due on Friday.
Math:  WS pg. 14

Monday, November 5, 2012

Thank You!

Thank you to all the parents who met with me for conferences today.  I really appreciate getting the chance to sit and speak to you about your child.  I feel it is very important to have a strong school/home connection.  Your children know when we communicate and it is very important for them to see that we are both in support of their education.  I am looking forward to continuing this trend with many of you.
Hopefully this is also a first time that some of you are checking in on our classroom blog.  I hope that you like what you see and continue to check back.  Please feel free to follow me in this journey.  I appreciate any suggestions that might make this site more "parent/reader" friendly.  What would you like to see on here?

Friday, November 2, 2012


Don't forget that there is no school on Monday or Tuesday of next week.  I will see most of you on Monday for conferences.  Please remember that conferences are ONLY 15 min. long.  Of course, if you would like to continue speaking with me, we can schedule an additional time.  


Reading:  WB pg.142,144, and 146
Math:  study multiplication facts and complete WS
Social Studies:  study Indians, test Wednesday

Thursday, November 1, 2012


Today you will get a letter about conferences.  I apologize that it did not come home sooner.  I thought I sent it home last week realize that I did not.  I will be VERY flexible with my conference times because of this.  Please let me know when a conference will work best for you.  Also, I think it is very important for your child to attend this conference as well.  If there are things that you would like to discuss privately, we can always have them step out into the hall.  Again, I am sorry for the tardiness of the letter about conferences.  I hope to see you all on Monday!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

AR has a great function for parents. This program is called Home Connect, and it works directly with the students AR account. The following are the only things that parents can do through the program;
  • Check on the student progress
  • View the log of test taken
  • Setup email alerts (score reports after test is taken)
  • Look up books that are in the AR Library
You can view Renaissance Home Connect from any computer with an Internet connection using
these browsers:
• Internet Explorer® 7.x-9.x
• Firefox® 4.x or later
• Safari™ 3.x-5.1
User Name: ######
Password: LASTNAME
To log in to Renaissance Home Connect
If you'd like to receive emails showing your student's quiz or test results, click the Email Setup link
in Renaissance Home Connect and follow the directions. To be sure these emails reach your inbox,
add to your address book.
If you have questions about Renaissance Home Connect, please contact me!

Time Stamp Issues

I am posting this to see if the Time Stamp issues have been resolved.  I am sorry if you have signed up by email and are getting a huge lag in the time between the post and actually getting the email.  Hopefully it has been resolved.

Monday, October 22, 2012



Spelling:  Copy words into agenda.  3 assignments due THURSDAY.
Reading:  Define vocabulary for Scene Two.
English:  WB pgs. 131, 132
Math:  Multiplication WS

There is NO SCHOOL on Friday.  Please make plans to attend Fun Fair on Thursday (5-7).  Don't forget that the students have a Social Studies project due on Tuesday October 30.

Please turn in Field Trip permission slips and $12.

Friday, October 19, 2012



Social Studies:  Blue Ridge, Valley & Ridge, and Appalachian Plateau test Monday.  Virginia Regions Travel Brochure Due: Nov. 30th

Thursday, October 18, 2012


Y-Tie When You Don't Have To?
...This is a reminder that tomorrow, Friday, October 19th, will be the last day Y-tie shoelaces will be on sale.  We do have plenty of colors left, so buy your Y-tie shoelaces tomorrow!


Spelling:  3 assignments due tomorrow.  Test tomorrow.
Reading:  Vocab. and story test tomorrow.
Social Studies:  Study Blue Ridge, Appalachian Plateau, and Valley and Ridge regions for test Monday.
Science:  Mineral test tomorrow.

Don't forget to turn in permission slips for our upcoming field trip.  The cost is $12.00!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


I didn't get very many field trip permission slips back today.  Please check in your child's Tuesday Folder for important papers that need to be signed and returned.  Our field trip is to Luray Caverns on Nov. 8th.  I would hate for your student to miss out!


Spelling:  3 Tic Tac Toe assignments are due on Friday.
Math:  Decimal WS
Science:  VA Mineral test on Friday.
Social Studies:  Complete study guide for Blue Ridge, Valley and Ridge, and Appalachian Plateau Regions

Tuesday, October 16, 2012



Science:  Complete Study Guide.  Study for Mineral Test.

Please sign and return Tuesday Folder.

Monday, October 15, 2012



Spelling:  Copy words from notebooks into agendas.
Reading:  define vocabulary for Coyote School News, WB pg, 120
Math:  WS pg. 61
Science:  Mineral Test Friday

Friday, October 12, 2012


Students have no homework today unless they were given a Math paper to correct and return on Monday.

Enjoy the weekend!  There are many things to do this weekend in our area.  Check the local paper for a list of events/happenings.

Thursday, October 11, 2012


Tomorrow is "GO PINK" day.  Farmington is trying to have a "pink-out".  Please encourage your child to wear something pink to school.


Spelling:  Study words, quiz tomorrow.  3 assignments due.
Reading:  Study vocab.  Story and vocab. quizzes tomorrow.
Social Studies:   Piedmont test tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Tomorrow is picture day.  Please wear your favorite (colorful) outfit and fix your hair :)


Spelling:  Copy words into agenda
Math:  WS pg. 56
Science:  Study Review #4.  Quiz tomorrow.
Social Studies:  Complete Piedmont Study Guide

Thursday, October 4, 2012


It sounded like another night of successful Math gaming!  


Math:  pg. 32 (9-16)  solve two ways (one of which needs to be on a number line)

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


It sounds like the students had a lot of fun playing Close to 1,000 with you last night.  I hope you enjoy tonight's Math game!
Math:  Play Surrounding Digits with someone at home.  Use dice, a deck or cards, or make your own numeral cards with index cards to play.  Please return your game board tomorrow.
Social Studies:  Study Tidewater Study Guide.  Quiz tomorrow.

Please sign and return Tuesday Folders.  Also, check and sign student agendas.
Thank you!!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Math:  Play a game of close to 1,000 with someone older than you at your home.  Use dice, playing cards, index cards (numbered 0-9), or make up numbers to create your 2 3-digit numbers.  Have fun!
Social Studies:  Study Tidewater notes.  Quiz Thursday.  Finish study guide.  Due tomorrow for a grade.

Tuesday Folders:  Parents, don't forget to sign and return the green Tuesday folders tomorrow morning.
Agendas:  Second reminder that parents are now REQUIRED to sign agendas to make sure that all work is complete every night.  Students know that it is their responsibility to hand the agenda and a pen to an adult in the home and stand by until it is signed.  The agenda and all finished work should then go directly into a backpack to return to school the next day.

Monday, October 1, 2012


It's October!  I can hardly believe it!  This week is a review week for Reading which means we do not have a Spelling list or Reading vocabulary to study.  The students will be tested on Unit 1 material at the end of the week.
Science - study watershed notes, quiz Tues.
SS - study Tidewater notes, quiz Thurs.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

And it Happens...

My first day of blogging and I already forgot to post homework after school.  I know that until this becomes a routine for me, I will probably forget a lot!  Anyway, better late than never...right?
Language Arts:  Students have a vocabulary test tomorrow on words from the story, Letters from Yosemite
          There will be a "fresh" read test on Main Idea and Supporting Details
          Spelling test tomorrow.
          3 Spelling assignments of choice to be turned in tomorrow.
          WB pgs. 86 and 88
Math:  pgs. 22-23 all problems

Congratulations to Ashlynn and AJ for being selected as our SCA homeroom representative and alternate.  I know they will do an excellent job!
I am also so proud of Valarie, Laci, Isaiah, and Brayden for running for SCA.  Their speeches were awesome.  It took a lot of courage for them to get up and address all 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders.
Tomorrow all students who ran for SCA along with our classroom representatives will be inducted into the 2012-2013 Farmington SCA.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Tonight is Back to School Night.  Don't forget to come see what your child does every day in my classroom.  Please remember that this is not time for a conference.  I will be happy to schedule conferences with anyone who would like one at a later date.

Tuesday Folders are to be returned to school on Wednesday.  Please make sure that you look over all graded papers with your child.  Please sign the folder to let me know that you have see the papers. 

Interim reports will come home tomorrow.  (Thursday 9.27.12)

Language Arts:  Tic Tac Toe assignments due Friday
                        WB pgs. 86, 88

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Tuesday Folders:  Please check graded work.  Sign and return folder.  Check for papers that need to be signed and returned.
Spelling:  3 assignments due Friday.  Test Friday.
Reading:  Finish WB pages assigned as seat work.  Due Friday. Vocabulary and story tests Friday.