On Wednesday, your student will
participate in a bartering activity. In
Colonial times, the settlers did not use money to pay for things. They bartered using common household items,
services, and crops. In order for
students to better understand bartering, we thought it would be fun for them to
try it.
Each student needs to bring in a
small item from home to barter. The item
needs to be at school on Wednesday, December 5th in order to
participate in the activity. This should
be something that the student ALREADY
HAS. Please do not purchase anything
for this activity. The items WILL NOT be returned to the original
owners. The students need to bring
something they are willing to give away.
Some examples of items could be:
small old toy erasers button book bar
of soap
pencils snack a
game you no longer play
you for your help with this activity!
The Fourth Grade Team
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