Monday, December 10, 2012



Spelling:  copy words into agenda, 3 assignments due Friday
Reading:  define vocabulary
Math:  finish division WS

Tomorrow is Crazy Hair/Crazy Hat day!  If you would like to participate, please donate a canned good item to our food closet.  Thanks!

Thursday, December 6, 2012



Spelling:  3 assignments due, test tomorrow
Reading:  test tomorrow
Math:  division WS
Social Studies:  Jamestown test tomorrow
Science:  review #9 test tomorrow

Wednesday, December 5, 2012



Spelling:  3 assignments due Friday, test Friday
Reading:  Read Adelina's Whales pgs. 350-362
Math:  pg. 80-81 (9-29)
Social Studies:  Complete Jamestown study guide to be turned in tomorrow for a grade.  Test Friday.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Please join us for Farmington Family Game Night!
Grades K-5
December 13, 2012

Questions:  call Cathy Stephenson @ 825-0713 ext. 3059



Spelling:  3 assignments due Friday, study
Reading:  WB pgs. 191, 192,  study vocab.  test Friday
Math:  study multiplication facts
Social Studies:  study Jamestown notes, test Friday.  Bring in an item to barter tomorrow.

Please sign and return interim.
Please sign and return Tuesday Folder.

Relay Reindeer

There are some reindeer who pull Santa's sleigh 
But these little guys help in another way,
When you buy one of them, you can be sure
You have helped in the cause for a cure!

Farmington's Relay for Life team is selling Relay Reindeer to raise money for the American Cancer Society.  You can support the cause by buying reindeer to surprise your friends or teachers.  These reindeer will be delivered for you during the week of December 10th-14th.  you can also buy reindeer in memory of or to honor a loved one who has been affected by cancer.  These reindeer will be placed on the tree in the office.  Then they will be sent home with you before the winter break.  We will be selling reindeer in the front hall before school on December 4th-10th.  All reindeer cost $1.00.  Please fill out the form on the back to give us all the information that we need to deliver your reindeer.  Thank you for supporting a great cause!

Bartering Activity

Dear Parents,
            On Wednesday, your student will participate in a bartering activity.  In Colonial times, the settlers did not use money to pay for things.  They bartered using common household items, services, and crops.  In order for students to better understand bartering, we thought it would be fun for them to try it. 
            Each student needs to bring in a small item from home to barter.  The item needs to be at school on Wednesday, December 5th in order to participate in the activity.  This should be something that the student ALREADY HAS.  Please do not purchase anything for this activity.  The items WILL NOT be returned to the original owners.  The students need to bring something they are willing to give away.  Some examples of items could be:
            small old toy              erasers          button            book                bar of soap
            pencils                                    snack              a game you no longer play    
                                                            Thank you for your help with this activity!
                                                The Fourth Grade Team